7 Surprising Habits That Lead To Divorce, According To Science

If you want your marriage to last, it’s important to pay attention to the habits you’ve developed in your relationship. Sometimes it isn’t always the major things like cheating that cause a relationship to end. According to research, small everyday habits also have a way of contributing to divorce.

“It’s easy for the small habits to start leading a relationship off track,” Allison Zamani, associate marriage and family therapist, tells Bustle. “A relationship requires that both parties feel connected to one another. Connection is really powerful if you can maintain it but also requires a lot of effort.”

According to Zamani, many couples end up going to therapy not because of any one specific conflict. They go to therapy because they don’t feel connected to each other anymore. “This all starts with something small,” she says. For instance, it might start with one person being stressed about work. Instead of going to their partner for support, they pull away and choose to work it out alone. This, of course, can leave their partner feeling confused and disconnected.

The key here is to create good habits that increase connection and eliminate any bad habits that create distance. So here are some surprising habits that can lead to divorce, according to studies.

1. Being Overly Affectionate During The Newlywed Phase Of Your Marriage

2. Avoiding Confrontation

3. Letting Debt Pile Up

4. Arguing Over Chores

5. Playing “Fortnite”

6. Venting About Your Relationship

7. Being Jealous Of Your Partner’s Success

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