Mom Shares Photo of Blunt Sign on Daycare Door and It Goes Viral

In the modern era, we have countless conveniences that have changed our lives, both for the better and the worst. As a person who was born and grew up before the time of everyone having a cell phone in their pockets, I can certainly attest to how convenient these devices are. For that matter, I spent the first half of my life without the internet, and again, I can say that it has changed my life (and the lives of almost everyone) immeasurably. However, at some point, we have to turn off our electronic devices and interact with the people we love, don’t you agree?

No matter how much we love our electronic devices and social media, nothing will ever replace the real-life human beings who love us and need us. Whether it’s our significant others or our children, there comes a time when we need to put down our phones and enjoy the people in our lives. That is especially important when it comes to children, and one Texas daycare center drove the point home with a bluntly worded sign on their door. In 2017, a mom named Juliana Farris Mazurkiewicz went to the daycare center to pick up her little girl when she was stunned by the sign that the center had put up on their door.

Usually, the announcements Juliana was accustomed to seeing were about supplies that were needed, special upcoming events, and other things like that. But this was a message that was simply a plea and a reminder for parents to remember why they’re working so hard every day. It’s not usually to buy “stuff,” but to better take care of our families. When Juliana got home, she put the photo on her Facebook page and it quickly went viral. To date, it has more than two million shares, 143K reactions, and more than 18K comments. It drove the point home for many people.

We’re all busy. But let’s put down our phones for the children who love us. Watch the news video about this story below.

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