Girl is ashamed of ‘dirty’ dad who works as coal miner, cries as he takes mic at her graduation

“Drop me??!! I don’t want to spoil my dress in your dirty van. Dad, don’t come at all, alright?” Sabrina snapped at her coal miner dad when he offered to bring her to her graduation ceremony. But Pete couldn’t miss such an important event in his daughter’s life, so he arrived at the venue and sat in the sitting area for the parents. “Next, we call Miss Sabrina Parker!” the host announced. Pete ran up to the front with his phone and started filming as Sabrina received her diploma. He was so happy, but Sabrina was angry when she saw her dad. Suddenly, Sabrina heard the host say, “Mr. Parker, can we please have you on the stage.” Sabrina was taken aback and didn’t understand what was going on as she saw her dad walk over to the podium.

Ideally, parents and children should have a loving, respectful, and understanding relationship. Unfortunately, there are times when children feel embarrassed by their parents as they grow up because their parents don’t have a fancy car, aren’t wealthy, or don’t have a job that the children consider “respectable”.

This frequently results in complicated feelings and tense relationships.

Sabrina, who is 18 years old, was talking to a friend on the phone when she heard the front door open. It turned out to be her dad, Pete, who worked as a coal miner. Sabrina quickly ended the conversation because she didn’t want her dad to overhear her discussing her upcoming graduation. She was worried that her friends would make fun of her because of her dad’s appearance, which she considered “dirty”.

Pete walked into the house happily, holding two packages. He informed Sabrina about the gift he brought for her and placed the packages on the table.

Since her mother passed away, Pete has been there for his daughter, understanding her and always respecting her privacy.

Sabrina felt joyous about the gifts, but she constantly believed that her father was undeserving of her attention solely because his hands and face were stained with coal. She even prohibited him from touching her belongings.

Curious to see the contents of the packages, she decided to open one and found a beautiful dress. Upon opening the second one, she discovered a suit. Perplexed, she inquired her dad about the unexpected suit.

Pete exclaimed with joy, “It’s for me, darling! I must look stunning… it’s your graduation, after all!”

Sabrina bit her lips in frustration upon hearing the words. She tossed the present and expressed, “Dad, I’d prefer if you didn’t come. My friends and their parents will all be there. I don’t want them to make fun of me when they see you, okay?”.

Pete was utterly stunned. He had no clue that his daughter held such a negative view of him.

“What did you say?” he asked with confusion.

Dad, my friends’ dads are all wealthy and come from prestigious families. They look like famous people. I don’t want you to be with them and stand out in a negative way. I hope you get what I mean. Even if you dress nicely, people can tell you work in a coal mine just by looking at your dirty face and hands. I don’t want them to make fun of me. Please don’t come to my graduation.

These words felt like a sharp knife.

Sabrina thanked him for the dress and went into her room, closing the door loudly.

Pete felt crushed, yet he wasn’t angry. He realized his daughter was too young to grasp the significance of her words, so he chose to go to her graduation, hoping she would reconsider.

On the special day, Pete inquired if he could give his daughter a ride to the location, but she declined his offer. Pete reassured her and wished her a fantastic evening.

Sabrina said to her father before leaving the house, “Hey dad, please don’t come, okay? I trust that you won’t. Goodbye…see you later!”

After she left, Pete quickly got dressed. He didn’t want to miss any details on this important occasion.

Pete arrived at the venue and sat in the parents’ section. He clapped enthusiastically as students received their awards, excitedly anticipating Sabrina’s turn.

“Next, we call Miss Sabrina Parker!” the host announced.

Pete hurried to the front and began recording his girlfriend. He felt ecstatic, but Sabrina was surprised to see him.

“Congrats, darling!” Pete shouted. “I’m so proud of you!”

Sabrina didn’t seem excited at all. She groaned instead of smiling and went to her friends. She was eager for the ceremony to finish so she could talk to her dad.

Out of the blue, she caught the host’s voice saying, “Mr. Parker, could you kindly join us on the stage.”

This added to her nervousness.

Pete expressed gratitude to Mr. Lauren and greeted the audience before requesting the slideshow.

The audience and Sabrina were surprised as the hall darkened and the projector turned on. Pete had made a heartfelt video, displaying special memories of him and Sabrina from when she was young until her graduation day. Before the event, he had spoken with the principal and teachers, explaining his idea to astonish his daughter. As a result, he was given approval to carry out the surprise right after Sabrina got her diploma.

I have so much love for my daughter. Sabrina, I am filled with pride for you. If your mother were here today, I believe she would feel the same way. Emma, if you happen to be here, you can witness it yourself! You once doubted my ability to raise our daughter alone, but now I can confidently say that no other father on this planet is prouder than me. Congratulations, Sabrina… we have achieved it together!

Sabrina’s heart was deeply moved by the video and her father’s words. Overwhelmed with happiness, she couldn’t help but shed tears of joy as she embraced her dad on stage. “Dad, thank you from the bottom of my heart! I apologize,” she expressed sincerely.

After the night ended, Pete realized it was finally time to reveal a truth to his daughter. He patiently waited for her to reach 18 years old, when she would be mature enough to face the reality.

He mustered up the courage to face Sabrina and revealed that her mother was actually alive and residing in their town.

Sabrina was on the verge of collapsing. She couldn’t comprehend why her father had been lying to her about that for such a long time.

Pete had tears in his eyes as he revealed that Sabrina’s mother never wanted her. Despite wanting to leave Sabrina behind and put her up for adoption when she got pregnant, Pete convinced her not to. She then confessed that Pete wasn’t the baby’s real father, but offered him the chance to raise her as long as he agreed to pretend her mom was dead.

Pete chose to take Sabrina as his own child before divorcing her mother to prevent her from going into foster care or being adopted by strangers.

Pete sobbed, “I couldn’t imagine you belonging to someone else. You were my whole world then, and you mean everything to me now.”

Sabrina asked Pete once more, seeking confirmation about him not being her biological father.

Sweetheart, even though I’m not your biological father, my love for you remains unchanged. Please disregard what I just said. You will always be MY DAUGHTER, no matter what.

Dad, I apologize. I’m filled with shame for causing you pain. I insulted you by calling you names without realizing the sacrifices you made for me. I can’t imagine where I would be if you hadn’t been there for me, raising me. Please find it in your heart to forgive me.

Pete and Sabrina only discussed her mother once, and then they agreed to leave the past behind. After that, Sabrina no longer felt embarrassed about her dad. In fact, she was even more proud that Pete was the one who raised her. She happily referred to him as her dad.

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