Hidden Desires: The Family Ring and The Secret It Unveils

A woman explained that it was usual in her family for the oldest daughter to inherit a priceless ring.

She was meant to receive the ring according to custom, but after her grandmother di:ed, things didn’t go as planned.The 21-year-old Reddit user said that her grandmother eventually di:ed from Alzheimer’s. Her d3ath led family members to fight. She left behind the ring her mother had given her.

It was her grandmother’s, and she intended to pass it to her only granddaughter, but after her death, things did not turn out as planned. The Redditor stated that she has admired the ring since she was a child and was thrilled to receive it. It was all she wanted from her grandmother, she insisted.

According to family tradition, the ring is only handed to the oldest daughter. The mother of the original poster (OP) was younger than her grandmother, who had two daughters. Because OP was the only female among the grandchildren, OP’s aunt, who had two sons, persuaded her sister to give her the family ring. But after the death of OP’s grandmother, everything changed.

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OP’s aunt adopted a 17-year-old girl when she was 14. No one had mentioned the family custom since then, so OP assumed the girl’s addition would have no effect on her chances of receiving the ring. OP hoped to get the ring ahead of her aunt’s daughter. Everyone cleaned OP’s grandmother’s house after she died. According to OP, her grandmother was admitted to a facility after being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, which is why her home needed cleaning.

OP overheard her adoptive daughter and aunt chatting in the pantry as she was cleaning the house. She approached and listened in on their private conversation.

She was surprised to find that they planned to get the ring from her grandmother’s jewelry box before she arrived. As the eldest granddaughter, OP’s cousin believed she deserved the ring. The query was answered: “I was upset because my aunt promised me I could eventually have it but she changed her mind.” After learning of their plans, OP decided to obtain the ring before her aunt’s daughter did.

She informed the family that she needed to leave early since her manager had summoned her for work one evening when they were out to dinner. Instead of heading to her office, she returned to her grandmother’s house and took the ring out of the jewelry box. She returned home before anyone else could.

For illustrative purpose only

She wrote the following: “I have no idea what will happen today when my aunt realizes it’s missing.” She questioned Reddit users if she made the right decision by accepting the ring after posting her story there. In response, a user said that the ring was given to the OP because of her grandmother’s commitment, not because she was the biological grandchild.

According to the user, the OP’s aunt and cousin made a mistake by accepting the ring. She questioned OP about her grandmother’s reaction to watching her children spar over a ring. A second user agreed with the initial post, but pointed out that because her cousin’s adoption was beyond her control, she had no reason to speak poorly about her.

After releasing details from her grandmother’s will, the original poster updated her post to explain that the ring is owned by her youngest daughter’s eldest biological daughter. Her aunt was also confronted with the issue, but she left the house after becoming upset and directing OP and her mother to clean it themselves.

The girl believes she is the biological granddaughter, hence she should receive the ring. Her grandma, she added, thought “blood ties were more important.” In response to the OP’s treatment of the other girl as a “second-class member” due to her adoption, a user stated that the OP and her grandmother were to fault.

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