Horrific footage shows man’s kneecaps ‘shoot up’ his thighs as tendons snap during Strongman challenge

Horrific footage shows man’s kneecaps ‘shoot up’ his thighs as tendons snap during Strongman challenge

Horrific footage shows man’s kneecaps ‘shoot up’ his thighs as tendons snap during Strongman challenge

Dan Jones sustained a horrific injury earlier this month

The final round involved carrying 80kg 20 meters to the finish line, though Dan suffered a horrific injury just seconds away from the end.

Video footage sees Dan fall to the ground, and the extent of his injuries later became apparent.

After being rushed to hospital, medical professionals discovered Dan had ruptured both patellar tendons, sending his kneecaps shooting up into his quads.

After being topped up with painkillers, Dan underwent a five-hour operation to have his tendons fused back together.

If Dan had not had the operation, he would have been in a bit of bothe,r as the patellar tendon joins the thigh muscle to the shin bone, which helps straighten the knee for important movements such as walking and going up and down stairs.

The footage is horrific (Kennedy)

The footage is horrific (Kennedy)

It remains uncertain if Dan will be able to compete in such competitions again in the future, though his rehabilitation is said to be going well.

Recalling the events of September 1, Dan said: “I was going into the last event in second place.

“If I had won this event, there was a chance I could have won my category and if I had come second, I would have come second overall out of 16 people.

“The guy that I was racing against was in first place at the time so I was having to beat him, which is why I was going as fast as I could.

He continued: “It was a freak accident, we’re still not 100 percent sure how it happened.

“After slowing down the video with doctors and surgeons, it looks like my right knee patellar tendon snaps out of nowhere, which causes my leg to fold underneath me.

“I felt like I was on fire, my kneecaps were in my quads because my tendons ruptured.”

Dan said he felt like he was 'on fire' (Kennedy)

Dan said he felt like he was ‘on fire’ (Kennedy)

Dan had an internal brace fitted to both legs to help aid his recovery during the operation and is attending physio sessions every day.

“The surgeon has said it could be the end of all the Strongman competitions but it’s a case by case basis,” the Englishman added.


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