Stubborn dog refuses to leave park and the funniest scene unfolds

Lazy dogs come in all shapes and sizes, with some breeds more notorious for their laid-back attitudes than others.

However, it’s not uncommon for even the most energetic breeds to surprise us with a moment of unexpected laziness.

Take, for instance, the Golden Retriever—typically known for its boundless energy and playful nature.

Yet, a now-viral video captures a Golden Retriever behaving quite the opposite when it’s time to leave the park, transforming from an energetic pup into what seems like an immovable carpet of golden fur.


Anyone who has dealt with a toddler knows the struggle that comes when it’s time to leave a fun place like a park.

The tantrums, the refusals, and the sudden weight gain as they turn into dead weight are scenes most parents know all too well.

But in this video, the role of the stubborn toddler is played by a Golden Retriever.

Despite the owner’s best efforts, this dog is going nowhere.

The owner tries everything—tugging on the leash, rolling the dog over, even massaging its legs—but nothing can convince this determined pup to budge.

You might wonder how such an ordinarily lively breed can suddenly act like it has turned to stone, refusing to move an inch.

This Golden Retriever’s behavior defies the breed’s usual reputation.

According to the American Kennel Club, Golden Retrievers are known to “take a joyous and playful approach to life and maintain this puppyish behavior into adulthood.”

So, what could be causing this unexpected behavior? Is it something in the dog’s diet?

Is this a one-time occurrence, or is there more to this golden mystery?


Interestingly, Good Housekeeping has compiled a list of the laziest dog breeds, and Golden Retrievers are notably absent.

Instead, breeds like the Bulldog top the list, known for their mellow dispositions.

Bulldogs are described by the American Kennel Club as “happy to relax next to their owner’s feet, but they also enjoy an occasional romp and going on walks.”

Also on the list is the Saint Bernard, known for its calm and patient nature, often earning the nickname “nanny dogs” for their gentle behavior with children.

Perhaps this Golden Retriever is simply channeling its inner couch potato, borrowing traits from these genuinely lazy breeds.

In the video, the owner continues to try everything to get this stubborn pup to move.

He rolls her over, pumps her legs, and pulls on the leash, all while maintaining a calm and relaxed demeanor.

The owner’s patience is nothing short of admirable, and it hasn’t gone unnoticed by viewers.

One YouTuber commented, “The owner was really gentle with her, how sweet that was.”

Another user humorously added, “I know how she feels. I do the very same thing when my wife wants to go to the mall.”


If this Golden Retriever isn’t just lazy, there must be something else going on.

Good Housekeeping also lists the smartest dog breeds, and surprise, surprise, Golden Retrievers rank at number four.

This changes everything—this dog isn’t lazy at all, but rather clever.

She knows exactly what she’s doing by pretending to be lazy; she’s stalling so she can stay at the park longer!

It’s no wonder the owner remains so calm; he likely knows his dog’s antics all too well.

Smart dogs will go to great lengths to get what they want, and this pup seems to have mastered the art of the stall.

But smart owners have their own tricks up their sleeves, often finding ways to outsmart even the craftiest of canines.

Whether it’s the promise of a treat or the sight of a favorite toy, many owners have learned how to work around their dogs’ clever strategies.


In this case, the owner pulls out the classic stick trick.

He shows the dog a stick, lets her play with it for a bit, and then, when she’s fully engaged, he throws it.

Like magic, the dog forgets all about her plans to stay put and eagerly chases after the stick.

This owner clearly knows what he’s doing and has mastered the art of distraction.

For those with similarly clever dogs at home, it might be worth taking notes.

So, this Golden Retriever isn’t lazy—she’s smart, and that completely changes how we see the video.

On a second watch, you’ll likely be just as impressed with this dog’s antics as the millions of viewers who’ve already enjoyed the clip.

Watch the hilarious scene in the video below!

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